What measures do you take to prevent pipe corrosion and ensure longevity?

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    Sample interview questions: What measures do you take to prevent pipe corrosion and ensure longevity?

    Sample answer:

    Measures to Prevent Pipe Corrosion and Ensure Longevity

    • Material Selection: Employ corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel, copper, or brass for pipes and fittings.
    • Corrosion Inhibitors: Add chemical inhibitors to water or gas lines to create a protective layer on metal surfaces, preventing attack from corrosive elements.
    • Cathodic Protection: Impress an electrical current onto the pipe surface to counteract the electrochemical process that leads to corrosion.
    • Galvanizing: Coat steel pipes with a layer of zinc, which acts as a sacrificial anode to prevent corrosion of the base material.
    • Insulation: Insulate pipes to minimize temperature fluctuations, reducing condensation that can promote corrosion.
    • Proper Drainage: Ensu… Read full answer

      Source: https://hireabo.com/job/12_0_6/Pipefitter

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