Have you ever had to work on a residential plumbing project that involved repairing or replacing damaged water heaters or boilers? How did you approach it?

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    Sample interview questions: Have you ever had to work on a residential plumbing project that involved repairing or replacing damaged water heaters or boilers? How did you approach it?

    Sample answer:

    Sure, here is an expert answer to the question “Have you ever had to work on a residential plumbing project that involved repairing or replacing damaged water heaters or boilers? How did you approach it?”:

    Yes, I have had to work on several residential plumbing projects that involved repairing or replacing damaged water heaters or boilers. Here is how I typically approach these projects:

    1. Safety first. Before beginning any work, I always make sure to turn off the water supply to the water heater or boiler. I also open a faucet to release any remaining water pressure.
    2. Identify the problem. Once the water is turned off, I inspect the water heater or boiler to identify the source of the problem. I look for any leaks, cracks, or other signs of damage.
    3. Determine the best course of action. Once I have identified the problem, I determine the best course of action. In some cases, the water heater or boiler can be repaired. In other cases, it needs to be replaced.
    4. Repair or replace the water he… Read full answer

      Source: https://hireabo.com/job/12_0_5/Residential%20Plumber

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