Can you explain the process of pressure testing gas lines using nitrogen or other methods?

    Unlocking the Secrets of Skilled Professions

    Sample interview questions: Can you explain the process of pressure testing gas lines using nitrogen or other methods?

    Sample answer:

    Pressure Testing Gas Lines

    Nitrogen Method

    1. Isolating the Gas Line: Shut off the gas supply and disconnect the affected line.
    2. Purging the Line: Use an inert gas, typically nitrogen, to purge the line of any residual gas or air. This is achieved by flowing nitrogen through the line at a low pressure for several minutes.
    3. Pressurizing the Line: Connect a pressure gauge and nitrogen regulator to the line. Gradually increase the nitrogen pressure until it reaches the test pressure specified by code or industry standards.
    4. Holding the Pressure: Maintain the test pressure for a predetermined period, typically 60 minutes. Monitor the pressure gauge for any significant drops, which may indicate leaks.
    5. Releasing the Pressure: Slowly release the nitrogen pressure through a controlled vent.
    6. Inspecting the Line: Visually inspect the line for any signs of leakage or damage that may have occurred during testing.

    Alternative Methods Read full answer


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